Mentorship Resources


Peer-to-Peer Legal Mentorship Program

Are you looking to be mentored by your peers? Would you benefit from an upper year student’s guidance in the form of notes, professional development, or building your upcoming timetable? Sign up for BLSA’s Peer-to-Peer Legal Mentorship program which helps Black law students develop a support system and obtain guidance from upper year students. This mentorship program is particularly beneficial for both aspiring law school students and 1Ls, as well as upper year students seeking a leadership opportunity.


Student-Lawyer Legal Mentorship Program

Would you benefit from more networking opportunities with Black lawyers? Are you looking to be mentored by a Black legal professional? In partnership with lawyers across Canada, the BLSA is offering a Student-Lawyer Legal Mentorship program. Students will be paired with a lawyer who will be committed to mentoring them throughout the academic year. This program is especially beneficial for students looking for advice, guidance, and/or support from a legal professional who was once in their shoes.


Other Mentorship Opportunities


Women’s Legal Mentorship Program (WLMP)

The WLMP is a national, comprehensive, feminist legal mentorship program that works in partnership with the University of Ottawa. The goal of the WLMP is to help women develop a support system that will help them throughout their legal careers from the classroom to the courtroom and beyond. The program facilitates peer mentorship, student-lawyer mentorship and professional development and leadership events.

For questions or concerns about the WLMP, please contact the program coordinator at

JurisMentor Program

The JurisMentor program pairs law students with members of the legal community, providing students with the opportunity to connect with lawyers with similar legal and non-legal interests. Student participants gain access to an online database of virtual mentor profiles, through which they can select and contact a mentor whom they are interested in receiving mentorship from.

For questions or concerns about the JurisMentor Program, please contact the program coordinator at 613-562-5800 ext 3121or

Criminal Law Courthouse Mentorship Program

The mentorship program pairs students interested in Criminal law with a Justice, a Crown Attorney, or a Defence Lawyer at the 161 Elgin Street Courthouse. In addition to a wonderful networking opportunity, students can gain a better understanding of the practical aspects of these challenging and interesting professions.

For more information, please contact the program coordinator at 613-562-5800 ext. 3121 or


Please feel free to contact our Vice President Mentorship at if you have any questions or comments!